November- Day 21

Today was far more relaxed and mind melting than yesterday, thank god. Might be going over to help my friend pick out what she’s going to where for her date with Mr. Questions My Authority and Knowledge. I’m maintaining my sanity. After that conversation yesterday it turned into me being frustrated about him being so annoying. And random little text conversations with a more intelligent guy friend have been very calming.
Not much to talk about today. I slept in until 9 something, which is amazing for me. I’m always an early waker but after the last week I needed some sleep. Watched some TV, did some APUSH notes, drove to Wendy’s, spent too much time on Facebook. Not much else to say. Hopefully tonight I’ll write more than the daily word goal. I was too distracted yesterday. My two hours on Write or Die were not as successful as they should have been. I need to have a brainstorming session soon. The inspiration river is starting to run dry.

November- Day 17

Another long day of homework ahead of me. I finished with today’s work. Showetime next. Maybe I’ll be awake enough to write. We’ll see. I feel bad about not writing the past couple days but… It’s not like I’m functional enough to write anything decent after hours of homework. 2 minimum days, a weekend, and then 3 days off next week. I will catch up, no matter what.
Math homework and another terms connection project tomorrow. I’m not going to over-exert myself and do more words than I need to like last time. More than I even got credit for… Oops.

November- Day 16

Finally finished everything for the binder check. My eyes are so tired… And now I have terms to study. Gah.
Work tomorrow:
-Read…Thoreau excerpts and answer questions
-Entire rough draft of Scarlet Letter research paper [thanks to my starting over with a new topic. Had 3 paragraphs written of old version. But might reconstruct based on that.]
-Maybe some French HW?
-Chem worksheet thingy?

Don’t know, don’t want to think about it. Can it be Thursday now?

November- Day 9

War chapters are the worst for taking notes on. The other chapters you can pick through the information and skip over things more. But wars? All the big battles and dates and generals… The Civil War just took me 4 pages front and back and the majority of the front of a 5th page. I don’t think any of my APUSH notes have gone onto a fifth page yet, and we’re on Chapter 14.
Random fact of the day that I knew: Adis Ababa is the capital of Ethiopia. One of the main characters in a favorite series has a younger sister that’s adopted from Ethiopia and the main character travels to Ethiopia in the second book.
Still ahead of DWG in NaNo! I’m starting a bit later tonight, but I’ve only got 850 words to be at the goal tonight. Writing time! Tomorrow is my first Friday since I have Wednesday off.