I <3 Shazam

For those of you poor people not in the know, Shazam is an amazing app for the iPhone that you can use to identify music. At a store and you hear a song you love but don’t know? Shazam it! Now, I’m cheap and only use the free version of Shazam so I can only get 5 songs identified a month. Most of the time I’m unable to easily Shazam a song, or I forget about it and just google the lyrics by typing in a line or two.

Today I set up a queue of some of the songs I’ve Shazamed lately on YouTube and listened to them while I had NaNo time. I’ll probably break this up into two posts since I want to actually write about the songs a little too.

All In- Lifehouse

I feel like I’ve heard this song around before. I don’t know what to say about it now… Okay, so there are songs I actually have things to say about, I promise. Just not this one.

Lisztomania- Phoenix

This song has been on the radio all the time lately. I tagged it a while ago and forgot about it until I was setting up a playlist on iTunes and was just putting all my Shazam songs on it. I was really excited when this one started to play and I realized that I knew this song. I always stop to listen to it when it’s on the radio, or at least most of the time, so I was happy to finally know what it’s called.

Help I’m Alive- Metric

I’ve started really liking Metric since I first found them after seeing Scott Pilgrim. Remember that song that Scott’s ex-girlfriend and her band sang? That was a Metric song. I really like Help I’m Alive. I heard it on the radio one morning and wanted to know what it was called since I liked it, and was happily surprised when I found out it was by Metric. I have the acoustic version on my phone, which I prefer. I also converted BBF so he likes this song too.

Take Everything- Greg Laswell

I really like this song. I need to listen to more of his music because I really like this song. Greg Laswell kind of reminds me of Mat Kearney. Specifically, Closer to Love, another song I heard on the radio and looked up because I loved it. My Shazam mix is really interesting because it’s pretty diverse, and I don’t think I would normally listen to a few of these songs otherwise.

Civil Twilight- Letters from the Sky

Another song I feel like I’ve heard around before. Supposedly it was on Harper’s Island, although I never watched that. Sounds kind of like Coldplay or U2 to me.


More to come tomorrow…

Pocket Frogs

Today’s post is brought to you by Pocket Frogs, a lovely little iPhone app that I’m addicted to.

Now, when it comes to apps I’m a big gamer. I’ve got some list making apps, photo editing apps, social media apps, but beyond that, the majority of my apps are games. I have to delete games to make room for more games. I also easily get addicted to iPhone games, and go through phases.

However, the games that I love the most, and that keep my attention the longest are the ones I can come back and play whenever. I’ve been addicted to those time based games, like Zombie Farm, Office Hero, and Virtual Families that keep you coming back to keep whatever you’re growing/doing from expiring or dying. These are the ones I’ll be heavily addicted to. Virtual Families was my world this summer. These games are also the ones I get bored with the most. You can only be addicted for so long. Once you take a break it’s hard to get back into the flow.

This is why I love Pocket Frogs. While time is a factor, I can leave the game for as long as I want without suffering the consequences. It’s fun, it’s a challenge, and it’s pretty!


Pocket Frogs is an app by the people who brought us Scoops and Sky Burger. In this game, you have virtual frogs that you train and breed. However, these frogs are not high maintenance at all. You don’t have to feed them, clean up after them, or anything if you don’t want to. They won’t die on you, get sick, etc.

Frogs come in a variety of base and detail colors, as well as patterns. This makes for over 13,000 different combinations, creating a challenge to try and get them all. The game has challenges, which give you experience points in exchange for having a number of certain frogs. For example, I completed one that asked me to have frogs in the colors of the rainbow. Another challenge asked for 8 yellow frogs with maroon spots, appropriately called I Choose You. Get it? They’re Pikachu frogs. Took me a while to figure out too.

The game also allows you to play with friends, which is great because after getting addicted last weekend I discovered that one of my friends is also hooked. This allows us to exchange frogs, helping each other get certain combinations.

Additionally, the graphics are excellent as I have come to expect from Nimblebit. They’re colorful, bright, and clear, adding to the excellent game play experience.

Best of all?

Pocket Frogs is free, which my inner cheapskate loves. I think I’ve only ever paid for maybe 3 apps…

Modern Leper

So, I just downloaded the WordPress app for my phone finally. It’s not like I’ve had my phone since February or anything… Hopefully carrying WordPress around with me will encourage me to be less lazy and blog more. Of course, there might be more typos but… Who cares about typos when you can have more of me, right?
I’m officially done with testing for this year as of today. Now summer gets to begin!
Except I’ve got about a million appointments in the next week, including the one for my senior portrait. Trying to decide if I should get a haircut for it or not. I’ve gotten used to having it short but now I’m contemplating growing it out. On the other hand I think I look better with shrt hair and I want layers again… Decisions decisions.

What’s on my iPhone

I kind of haven’t even opened all of these.

Messages, Facebook, Contacts, Camera, Photos, Maps, Calendar, App Store, Calculator, Notes, Clock, iTunes, Settings, Weather, Dictionary, Translator, Traffic Rush*, Titanic, BubbleWrap, Dots Free, ActionPotato, iDrag Paper Free, Oregon Trail**, Pac-MAN, Paper Toss, RolandoLite, Rolando 2 C1, Zippo Lighter, Pocket God***, Tap Tape Revenge 3, DoodleBuddy, Fandango, PS Mobile, DashofColor, Color It Lite****, ColorShake, Booooly*****, Cat Shot, Crazy Hamster Lite, Cross Light, WordSeach, Glow Hockey, Lion Pride, Mood Pad, MyTown, RunStick Lite, Shazam, PaperFootball, App Puppies******, blindness, TicTacFree, Gap Style Mixer, pic2shop, Waterslide, Compass, YouTube, Voice Memos, Stocks, Sunday Lawn

*I am beast at this. I love me some Traffic Rush.

**One of the two apps I’ve actually spent money on. So worth it.

***Second app I’ve spent money on.

****This is actually a coloring book app.

*****Have never played.

******This is the lite version of the app. What that means is it’s a gallery of about 25 pictures of puppies.

Reminder: Want to read the other half of this blog? Email me at uncreativewriting@gmail.com and I will gladly send you the password! Just send me a link to your blog so I know who you are. Bonus points and high fives if you comment.

No one dies

I feel super cool. I have the Puppy Bowl on in the background. Yes, the Puppy Bowl was on over a week ago. I DVRed it. Like I said, super cool.

Finally got around to putting my music on my iPhone. Apple, what is your problem? Why do you have to make my life so hard? Why can’t I just drag the library of my iPod onto my iPhone? Whyyyy?????

Nothing particularly exciting happened today. I went through my guide of the 371 Best Colleges one by one writing down the names of the ones with one of the majors I’m considering in the popular majors list. I’m going to make lots of lists this week. Meant to get my hair cut today but didn’t get around to it. More interesting stories to tell in the password protected post.

Reminder: Want to read the other half of this blog? Email me at uncreativewriting@gmail.com and I will gladly send you the password! Just send me a link to your blog so I know who you are. Bonus points and high fives if you comment.

Connected to Hats

So… Clearly I’m kind of failing at the whole blogging thing lately. I guess I haven’t felt interesting enough lately, or that what I consider interesting is personal and doesn’t interest everyone else. That and, once again, the lack of comments is bringing me down. Because I’m a whiny attention demanding bitch at heart.

I got a new phone last Thursday! I’ve jumped on the iPhone bandwagon, and I love it. It’s my child. I got my dad to buy a ton of cases on eBay for cheap, and the 10 pack of silicon cases came today. I’m still waiting on my case with the pandas on it. I’ll have to include pictures eventually. So, my phone is no longer naked!

And I’m addicted to Traffic Rush. It’s amazing.

French homework time. Yay. Only not.